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Partial List of the Proprietors of East Jersey
(including Sir Ewen Cameron of Lochiel)
April 2, 1687

The names of the proprietors of the Province of East-New-Jersey, as they stand with their subdivisions - April 2nd, 1687 v12t

Robert West, Esq.
Conveyed to Mr. Thomas Cox
And Cox convey'd
To Sir Ewen Cameron 13/40ths
To William Dockwra & J.H. 7/40ths
And March last
The remaining halfe
To John Baker being 20/40

Editor's NotesThis small holding of land in East Jersey (present day New Jersey, USA) was Sir Ewen Cameron of Lochiel's.  It is interesting to note that Argyll's son, Lord Neill Campbell, was Governor of East Jersey.  This is a partial record, with the original being in the Library of the New Jersey Historical Society.  We would welcome additional information from the original records, if any would-be New Jersey researchers should wish to visit the Historical Society in person.

It does not appear that Sir Ewen ever visited these land holdings, or that Camerons settled this area as a result of his short-termed ownership.  Recently is has been discovered that Sir Ewen had additional land holdings in North America.

An interesting perspective, from the New York colony during this same era states: "And as for E. Jersey, it being situated on the other side of Hudson's River and between us and where the river disemboques itself into the sea; paying no Custon and having likewise, the advantage of having better land and most of the settlers there out of this government. We are like to be deserted by a great many of our merchants who intend to settle there if not annexed to this govt."